Author Archives: Greg Fischer

Frhlicher Mauerfalltag!

In my style of German, that’s Happy Fall of the Wall Day! German allows you to make compound nouns of nearly limitless length that are simply dreadful (and typically bureaucratic), but also short ones like Zeitgeist (and unfortunately blitzkrieg) that … Continue reading

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Airline Fare School # 9 – Secret stopovers, Part 2

We’re going to go two directions here: Hawaii and the Caribbean. But first let’s consider why stopover provisions even exist in the first place. At one time and even now, it’s not always possible to fly between two places with … Continue reading

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Destinations – Beering and Running in Portland

Yes, “beer” is not a verb but if it were ever to become one then Portland will be the place where it first occurs. My partner Keith and I spent a 3-day weekend recently in Portland. A year ago I … Continue reading

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Lodging – But where will my car sleep?

When you’re traveling to a big city do you take into account hotel parking charges? You should. We’ll take a look at San Francisco because it’s the Big City that most people in northern California regularly visit. But the lesson … Continue reading

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Airline Fare School # 8 – Secret stopovers, Part 1

This is the part of Airline Fare School I’ve been most looking forward to writing. Why? Because the information I’m going to present is both obscure and invaluable to the right traveler. And in the galaxy of websites that inform … Continue reading

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Running – The Bizz Johnson combines running and railroads

Two of my favorite things start with the letter “r” and if you’re a regular reader of Planes, Trains & Automobiles then you know those are running and railroads. The Bizz Johnson run over in Susanville manages to combine both. … Continue reading

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Rail – A first-class bargain to southern California

Regular readers who are rail buffs can skip the geography and schedule lesson below. Others not so familiar with west coast trains should read the next few paragraphs. Amtrak’s Coast Starlght train operates daily between Seattle and Los Angeles. Below … Continue reading

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Airline Fare School # 7 – Circle trips

This is a circle trip:   – Sacramento to Atlanta (stopover, not connection) – Atlanta to Cleveland (stopover) – Cleveland back to Sacramento And if you’re thinking this is a triangle, not a circle, I completely agree but the industry … Continue reading

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Running – Whiskeytown Relay ’09

Here’s a quick post to celebrate a fun relay run around Whiskeytown Lake west of Redding this past Sunday, 20 September. My team, Team IPA, consisting of me, Keith Slaughter, John Maretti and Bryan Bear ran the 19.9 miles around … Continue reading

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Airline Fare School # 6 – Open-jaws and Tinkertoys

I’ll get to the Tinkertoys part in a while. Let’s start with open-jaws. World’s best cat, Catdog, poses in the shot below illustrating the concept of the open-jaw. CELEBRITY SPOKESCAT CATDOG BRINGS TO LIFE THE “OPEN-JAW”

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