Upon entering our hotel room, Kathy called to me,”Mom, look at what’s in our shower!” I thought maybe some special shower device. No. It was a very long insect wiggling along the floor. The bell boy who came in and removed it said that it was a mariposa (butterfly) caterpillar.
Buses transport tourists up a switchback road to the entrance of Machu Picchu. I followed our group up the steps and along the paths until we were in full view of the best known sacred site on the South American continent. When I tried to step up onto one of those Incan stone steps so I could get closer to some of the religious buildings across the valley, I knew I had met my match. So, while the others scaled the rocks, I sat on a bench shaded by a thatched roof and contemplated the archeological masterpiece which was “discovered” (for the outside world) by Hiram Bingham in 1911 in the course of his research.
While I sat there, many other hikers passed me – including a wedding party where the bride wore a long white dress and heels – and some even wanted to have their picture taken with me.