Why Terrorist Profiling Won’t Work


This picture contains the photos of actual terrorists except for one. Can you spot the one picture that doesn’t fit, the one person here who is NOT a terrorist? No, I didn’t think so! But don’t feel bad, who could? It’s too confusing without more clues, isn’t it? Even the experts at Homeland agree there is no one profile that security personnel could easily and reliably use to help place extra security where it’s needed most. Ah, if only there were, we could really check out those who are far more likely to be terrorists. But, a picture is worth a thousand words and as you can plainly see there just is no possible way to tell a terrorist from the average American Mom just by profiling. Yep thats right that lady in the middle is not the terrorist…GOTCHA! Well, there it is my friends, this is why we must continue those completely random security checks at the airports. Until we have some way to accurately profile the bad guys to make us more efficient and effective this is just the way is has to be!

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