State of California needs $36,000.00 (each household) for Underfunded Pension Plans


Posted by Tina

Well so much for that nest egg you might have been counting on for your kids college or to pay for your old age care:

Gov. Schwarzenegger commissioned a Stanford university study to examine the costs of the California’s public sector pension plans. The results are not pretty: [California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility President Marcia] Fritz said the $535 billion shortfall estimated by the Stanford report means every household in the state is on the hook for about $36,000. ”That’s how much they owe to government workers for their retirement benefits,” Fritz said. – Washington Examiner

How much more will be asked of the taxpayer? What kind of future will our young people have? Why do our representatives think there is a bottomless pit of money, theirs for the taking? When will they get how irresponsibly they have managed our hard earned money and STOP?

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