Posted by Jack
Was an anti-American propaganda song played at White House state dinner last week? Sometimes things seem too absurd to be true, unless they are true. During the state dinner with Chinese Hu Jintao and President Obama, pianist Lang Lang played a famous piece (to Chinese citizens) which was an anti-American propaganda song arising out of the Korean War. The song was the theme of a movie called Battle on Shangganling Mountain and is universally recognized by the Chinese. The movie is about a group of Chinese soldiers who are “first hemmed in at Shanganling (or Triangle Hill) and then, when reinforcements arrive, take up their rifles and counterattack the U.S. military ‘jackals.'” The insult has gleefully gone viral in China.
Americans died in this engagement, Americans who have family members alive today. One oral history of the battle describes it thusly: “The medic ran out of morphine before he was hit and went down himself. It wasn’t until the third day of the battle that men could be spared to take the wounded Americans off the hill. It was on that morning that an exploding mortar round knocked Martin unconscious and drove shrapnel into his legs. Although he has no memory of it, he believed the men who carried his stretcher down the steep fire-swept slope of Triangle Hill must have endured a ‘terrible ordeal.'”
Usually these things are planned way in advance…might this embarrassment have been avoided with just a bit of investigation?
Was it allowed in the spirit of inclusiveness or as a way to demonstrate American failings as this admin is wont to do?
Who knows.
Everything is worked out to the smallest detail, or at least it is supposed to be by the President’s protocol officer working closely with the Secret Service.
The Placement of dignitaries, guests and entertainers and this includes the music – are all supposed to be known in advance.
What this says to me is there must be a lot of incompetent people working in the White House these days or maybe somebody decided to let this happen for reasons unknown? Either way, the results are an insult directed at the White House and the American people by the Chinese people. Since we kicked their butt in Korea they lost face, so I suppose they are trying to salvage something by sneaking in this insulting song. An appology is owed for sure, but don’t hold your breath unless the appology is from Obama for us killing all those Chinese soldiers in Korea before they sought a cease fire. And that would be just before a humiliating defeat was forced on them. The more things progress the more I think MacArthur was right.
PS Ambassador Capricia Marshall, and Deputy Chiefs of Protocol Dennis Cheng and Lee Satterfield were responsible, and it’s their Protocol bureaus responsibility to make sure embarassment doesn’t befall the White House. Nice job guys.
Well, well, well, WHAT KIND OF BONEHEAD SPINELESS PRESIDENT WE HAVE? If anyone comes to your home invited or uninvited, even if you owe him money and he disrespects you , your family, your countrymen or your race, you put one hand on the collar one on the butt and out the window he goes, we ll see about the window tommorrow – he is lucky he doesn,t leave with his you know what as ear rings.
That goes without saying!
Well meet in a neutral zone after he calls and makes an appointment to my convienience and schedual.
i THINK THE DONALD SAID IT BEST- have him make an appointment, come to the white house, if we come to an agreement ok fine, if not he can go to mcdonalds order a happy meal and go back home.
Get you heads out of your asses washington.
This would be like playing the Battle of New Orleans for Queen Elizabeth. I think she’d be pretty miffed.
But, it is a great song! I love the part, “they ran through the brambles where the rabbits couldn’t go!”
Yes, Obama’s an idiot.