Gunmen Murder Nuns

by Jack

It was a humble hospice home for the elderly in the port city of Aden in Yemen and it was founded many years ago by the Order of Mother Theresa. This happened long before there was any signs of revolution in the Middle East or any serious problems between Christians and Muslims.

Muslims, mainly Sunni, are a majority in Yemen, but despite this, the Catholic charity existed openly and went on about their business of caring for the poor and elderly without interference or incident. This all changed when civil-war broke out between a Shiite backed group of Muslims and the local Sunnis.  Then anarchy broke out. Without laws and government, the local Muslims were free to do their worst, especially towards Christians.

nuns-killed-prayingNow Muslim terrorists are massacring as many Christians as possible, and their latest target will make you sick….they attacked the defenseless Nuns and their elderly patients with guns. This attack was so heinous, it demonstrates the total depravity of these Muslim and those who support them. These killers systematically and viciously murdered some of Christianity’s holiest women on earth. This humble Christian home for the elderly and disabled was the target of the most recent terrorist attack led by four Muslim gunman. Ironically, the hospice is open to all… including Muslims.

“The gunmen then moved from room to room, handcuffing the victims before shooting them in the head. A nun who survived and was rescued by locals said that she hid inside a fridge in a storeroom after hearing a Yemeni guard shouting, “Run, run.”

Khaled Haidar told The Associated Press that he counted 16 bodies, including that of his brother, Radwan. All had been shot in the head and were handcuffed. He said that in addition to the four nuns, one Yemeni cook, and Yemeni guards were among those killed.” Seattle Pi

It was only four gunmen, but behind them were many more just like them who approved of this atrocity. Not far away in Iraq, wholesale murder of Christians by ISIS is still taking place, along with sex slavery and other acts of horror.

A few months ago these Yemeni killers could have been shop-keepers, farmers or perhaps they had visited friends or relatives at the home.   When war broke out they were driven to the point of madness by their twisted religious devotion.  I suppose that’s nothing unusual these days, the headlines are filled with such atrocities, committed almost daily by Muslim radicals in the name of Islam.

There have been so many examples of Muslim oppression, depravity and murder that even a blind man could see these acts are solidly linked to Islam.  They are hardly reflective of a religion of peace, but more like a cult of murderers who will kill anyone in their way or not of their faith.

If the Islamic world wants to be known for it’s peaceful nature, then something needs to change. The world has been waiting a long time and respect for Islam is fading with each act of depravity by one of its faithful.

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20 Responses to Gunmen Murder Nuns

  1. Libby says:

    Well, I’ll thank Trump for one thing. Now, at least, we are having no more of that irritating prevarication. You have said just what you mean, and we can, accordingly, dismiss it.

  2. Tina says:

    Just as we can dismiss you with your strange conflicting brew of denial and appeasement.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      You have to try and understand Libby. She represents the left. She represents feminism. As such she defends a misogynistic, racist, intolerant, belligerent and disgustingly violent religion at its worst. Just like Chris.

      I see nothing inconsistent here.

      • Dewster says:

        If one uses only the extreme faction distorting a religion as the definition of said religion than we shall apply that to the extreme So Called Christian Factions that kill? One that comes to mind is Dylan Roof. I guess he represented all Christians then? There are countless Christian extremist who kill including organized groups. The cross symbol of the KKK represents Christianity?

        Muslims have said those people do not represent their religion. So let’s get real.

        Hate is hate and there is no hate described by any religion. Only Man’s distortion in the pursuit of power, greed, and their inability to comprehend religion.

        • Pie Geuevara says:

          If one ignores the core religious basis that gives rise to and enables and encourages the Muslim terrorism and empowers it, one is a fool.

          You are that fool, Dewey. ISIS and Islam depend on fools like you.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, are you upset and defending radical Islam because you believe they really don’t murder people over religion? That they really don’t treat women like animals or property to be owned? That they really don’t want to destroy us because of our freedoms or politics? That would be completely wrong and ignorant of course, but it would be a He77 of a lot more understandable than if you know they do these evil things and yet you still defend them? Because that would be just plain nuts.

    • Dewster says:

      No One defends “Radical Islam” nor “Radical Christians”. People Only defend against the ignorance of grouping of all believers of a religion into the “Radical Groups” who distort a Religion.

      Religious Wars have proven to be distortions of Religion in the pursuit of greed and power.

      The USA has armed, funded, and helped create the rise of these groups. Endless war for corporate greed has reached the point where they no longer can control the outcome.

      • Post Scripts says:

        Dewster, what galls me is, why do you find it necessary to indict Christians, as if they shared some sort of moral equivalency with the Muslims terrorists? I think I know why you do it. It’s obviously because you see the Christians as an equal problem, right? However, this is absolutely insane thinking and it defies all logic. The sum of all the Christians acts of depravity over the past 50 years would be so miniscule compared to the plethora of violent acts committed by random Muslims around the world in the same time period. They have slaughtered literally hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

        Its a fools errand to draw any sort of moral equivalency between “religions” IN GENERAL and Islam. They have a long track record for ceaseless acts of depravity and oppression. It’s visible in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and all over the world wherever Islam dominates a country. There is no fair and balanced Islamic country anywhere and these cesspools produce murdering monsters ready to kill you because you are an infidel! This was a story about Nuns being slaughtered by Muslims who hated them for no other reason than their religion and you express no moral outrage? How could this not offend your delicate sense of morality, justice and fairness (if you had any)? Well, there is no way logic can reach some people, and I think you are too invested in your own point of view to see others, no matter how righteous and reasonable that view may be. You’re just like Libby.

  4. Pie Geuevara says:

    Instead of taking LSD and watching V for Vendetta dozens of times Dewey should give the movie “Mars Attacks” a sober viewing. He might get a clue.

  5. Pie Geuevara says:

    Re : “If the Islamic world wants to be known for it’s peaceful nature, then something needs to change.”


  6. Tina says:

    Even when commenters here have PLAINLY distinguished between jihadists and peaceful Muslims they are treated as bigoted by the lefties here who REFUSE to make the distinction with any consistency. Lefties just like the labels, racist and bigot, and work continually to make it stick.

    • Chris says:

      Sometimes you distinguish, sometimes you don’t. When you support discriminatory policies toward all Muslims, such as a temporary travel/immigration ban that would apply to both peaceful and radical Muslims, such distinctions don’t mean much. When you support language such as telling a Muslim woman to “take a camel” instead of an airplane when she travels, and insist such language is not bigoted, then it indicates your empathy for Muslim people is limited.

      • Tina says:

        When you attempt to manage all expression by counter attacking with ridiculous name calling you muddy the waters and create an atmosphere of fear about expression. A retort in an adversarial climate is not bigotry. This is authoritarian clap trap and counter to the American embrace of free speech and debate. You may call the retort rude all day long, I could give a rip, but the attempt to silence voices with onerous labels is just a typical PC power trip.

        Now go ahead and defend the caustic, hostile, anti-free speech, attack that has been waged by the left against this woman and tell me an occasional rude retort isn’t in order and is against the speech rules established by the dysfunctional radical left.

        • Chris says:


          Coulter’s “retort” came in the context of her arguing that Muslims should not travel by airplane, period. That is bigoted by the “speech rules” of the English language and basic decency. Resorting to ugly stereotypes about Muslims riding camels was just the icing on the racist cake. There is no justification of such a slur, or the context in which she made it; you lower yourself by attempting to justify it, and by trying to pretend that opposition to such clear and blatant racism is merely political correctness.

          The attacks on Coulter have been justified. She is a racist lunatic, and I have shown you proof that she is a racist lunatic. Accept it or don’t; it’s your choice whether to take that blindfold off.

          • Tina says:

            Chris, Coulter had a lot to say; she is a very intelligent woman. As usual she was “welcomed” by a closed minded, hostile bunch of students that came not to learn or consider respectfully but instead to bait, accuse, and label. Hostility comes with many faces…it can even take cover behind a nice act or a sweet face.

            Your idea of context is selective and you have proved nothing except the indoctrination that has rendered you useless to discuss the realities of the day.

            Coulter does not need defending and I’ve not attempted to do so.

            As far as I’m concerned someone with her sharp wit was needed to break through the idiotic attempt to control thought and speech through the construct of phony acts of inclusion and bullying and bigotry of the imagined “enemy.”

            There is a a problem in the greater Muslim community. We need to be able to talk about it openly without being shamed and labeled. You and your ilk imagine that you are sensitive. But every day that we are disallowed from speaking clearly are days that Muslims and others are being harmed by the problems with Islam.

            It is you who needs to open his mind and take off the blinders. And stop with all the hostility and hate, already.

  7. Chris says:

    Libby and Jack, you’re talking past each other. I saw nothing in Jack’s article that was bigoted toward Muslims generally (though I have seen him make statements I believed were bigoted in the past). Further, I saw no defense of radical Islam in Libby’s comment.

    At this point I’m wondering if you’re just responding to each other’s histories instead of actually reading each other’s words.

    This attack was monstrous and inhuman. No one denies that. The argument is over whether Islam itself is the problem…lefties say that, given all the peaceful Muslims around the world, that can’t be. Righties like Jack say that, while most Muslims are peaceful, there is no other religion on earth right now that has such a large percentage of its members linked to terrorism. Muslim countries are, with few exceptions, oppressive dictatorships. Radical Islam is far more dangerous than radical Christianity.

    I accept all three of those statements as factual, and yet I still feel that condemning Islam as inherently violent is counterproductive. (Not that Jack did that in this particular article). I think economic issues in the Middle East have a lot to do with the problem as well. I think we should also highlight the voices of moderation and peace, and those who are fighting to reform their religion, like Malala Yousafzai.

    It’s easy to condemn events like this, and it costs nothing. It’s the right thing to do, but it’s not enough, and it won’t change anything. What will? I don’t know, but I know it will come from those within the Muslim community who are trying to make it better.

  8. Libby says:

    Chris, you need to re-read the tail end of that post. The time has come to stop making allowances, accommodations or considerations. You can see what he’s saying … plainly.

  9. Tina says:

    Libby finds a dangerous element in the following statement:

    There have been so many examples of Muslim oppression, depravity and murder that even a blind man could see these acts are solidly linked to Islam. They are hardly reflective of a religion of peace, but more like a cult of murderers who will kill anyone in their way or not of their faith.

    If the Islamic world wants to be known for it’s peaceful nature, then something needs to change. The world has been waiting a long time and respect for Islam is fading with each act of depravity by one of its faithful.

    There is nothing but the difficult, unfortunate truth in that statement. If Libby would drop her own bigotry she might see the compassion behind that statement. Libby, however, is convinced that people who speak this way are bigoted brutes…she can’t point out HOW the statement is bigoted.

    People like Libby prevent solutions and reforms through a pandering, PC appeasement of the real brutes, those who practice evils in the name of the religion…authoritarian tyranny, child abuse, mutilations, beatings, and various violent terrorist acts.

  10. dewster says:

    Lions, Tigers, and Muslims! Oh No!

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